
Oklahoma estate planning

New boots from Ray Harshman of Edmond

This morning I came into the office and found a package waiting on me. In the package I found this new pair of boots from a friend from Edmond, Oklahoma, Ray Harshman.

This is now the third pair he has made for me and I cherish each pair because they are the best fitting shoes I have ever owned. They are boots that I will probably never wear out and will pass down to the next generation, someday.
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That brings up a point that I like to make with my clients: estate planning is not just about money, real estate, or financial accounts, it is also about passing on the legacy and stories you have accumulated over your lifetime. These boots represent a friendship between Ray and myself and the story of these boots are worth more than the liquidation value in an estate sale would be.

What stories would you like to tell your children; and do you have the planning in place so those stories will last into future generations? Thank you, Ray, for the boots and the friendship.

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