Get ready for an increase in taxes in the next few years

When the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamacare) was enacted, part of its sales pitch was the cost would not exceed $1,000,000,000,000 (One TRILLION US Dollars) over the next ten years. Of course, most of the cost savings was done by implementing taxes immediately and not implementing most of the care provisions until 2014, four years after passage. Well, it doesn’t take a genius (of which there aren’t any in Congress) to see that if you start saving today, you can offset costs in the future. However, with an individual, the cost in the future are severely limited, because an individual only has limited resources. With the Federal government, the cost can continue to explode because the government can print its own money.

Which brings me to the recent “re-scoring” of Obamacare. For the next ten years, the cost is estimated to be $1,740,000,000,000 ($1.74 Trillion). Remember, we are still two years from getting most of the “benefits” of the legislation, but we can already see where it will lead on taxes.
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My suggestion: You should make sure you are protected the best you can be against these increasing taxes and burdens. The best way to do that? Come see a qualified tax lawyer.

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